My Cat and a Very High Ledge: A Really Long and Unnecessary Narrative

I currently have four children: Carson, Cameron, Caroline, and Reagan. They were all rescued, Carson from the woods in my backyard 6 years ago, Caroline from a parking lot 5 years ago, Cameron from a tree (like a really, really tall tree) 4 years ago, and Reagan from a parking lot 7 months ago. At this point you realize that I am not discussing human children, but pet children (cats to be specific), and are undoubtedly calling me a crazy cat lady in your head. Unfortunately with my track record I have no formidable evidence to prove otherwise, so for time’s sake I shall continue on and disregard your brash and extremely unhelpful opinion.

Due to my often hectic and inconsistent schedule, all of my children in the past have had to reside at their grandparent’s house (my parent’s house if you refuse to stoop to my “cat lady” level). But on a recent visit to the Beck abode, it became apparent that Caroline was unable to welcome Reagan into the fold (who could blame her, he is like the rambunctious 10 year old brother that likes to play freeze tag with you when you never, under any circumstances, agreed to playing freeze tag with him) and should move in with her initial guardian.

Well, here we are a couple of months in and the transition has been quite smooth. I was concerned over the move at first because ole Carol (tell me calling a cat Carol does not make you laugh out loud and I will not believe you) had been an outside cat for a while and I was not convinced that she would be fond of apartment-style living. My concerns were in vain (as they typically are) however, as Caroline quite quickly became a proponent of hanging out in the AC and being an only child. She spends most of her free time lounging on the window sills and staring at me while purring like a drunken tomcat. So with Caroline doing so well and not perpetually hating me for making her wear a collar that matches her eyes, I thought it only necessary to reward her with a new freedom.


I like to think of myself as a trusting parent. I have rescued many a stray cats and have learned over the years that allowing them their independence is a crucial component in acclimating them to their new way of sheltered life. So when I decided to take my highly adventurous middle child outside after weeks of not being able to feel the breeze on her whiskers, I thought it best to let her do her thang; I opened the door, did a brief walk around the premises with her, then retreated back inside so as to allow her to best enjoy her previous kingdom.

With a week or so under our belt, she has done exceptionally well, reporting back to my third -story door (impressive, I know) once she has had her fair share of frolicking in the wild. Upon each return home seeming to hold a spunk and zeal for life that only affirms my belief that she is a rampant bully to the local lizards, a character flaw that surely needs to be addressed. Nonetheless, the accomplishment is one to be celebrated. I now know that Caroline can be content in this stage of life living the high-life in the city (literally, three stories up remember), with occasional outside rendezvous.

Caroline has demonstrated that she can be independent, obedient, and trusted and I am very pleased.

Now readers, I take you on a journey. A disappointing journey. A journey to the past. A journey to Friday, May 29th at 1:02 a.m. when Caroline obliterated every ounce of trust and confidence I had ever placed in her. 

I was posted up on my couch, painting my toenails and watching Netflix, when it rather suddenly hit me that Caroline had been outside for a really long time. I begrudgingly arose, opened my door and called her name. After a few moments she responded, but did not seem to be nearing my presence. I became worried/intrigued/confused. I threw my shoes on and ventured outside and alas, I found Carol.

Carol was on a ledge.

A very high ledge.

A ledge that was three stories from the ground and three feet from my grasp.

A ledge that quite literally had no purpose in life other than to trick household cats into thinking that they were members of Crossfit.

Let me remind everyone that I am 5’4.75″ on a really good day. I am not an acrobat, nor a mountain climber. I am incredibly unathletic and have quite stubby limbs. I exercise and lift weights so that I can carry all of my groceries up three flights of stairs in one trip, not so that I can remove cats from murderous ledges.

After Lord knows how many minutes/hours/days of me stretching every muscle in my body (which mind you is not many) and managing to convince Caroline that I could indeed save her from Mount Everest, I achieved the impossible and retrieved my idiotic  reckless, wanna-be-ninja-warrior-princess-child from the very high ledge. Upon arrival back into our home, I promptly grounded her for eternity and informed her that she would never feel a cool breeze on her cheeks or the rush of adrenaline from a good lizard chase ever, ever again. 

Today I write to you with three morals to this story.

1. Cats cannot be trusted.

2. Cats are selfish, always seeking thrill and adventure over the safety and well-being of their sole companion and provider.

3. I really need to improve my stretching habits because I am pretty sure my reaching capabilities are similar to that of a 3 year old toddler attempting to gain access to a cookie jar that is completely and utterly out of their reach.


How Not To Be A Really, Really Bad Retail Customer


Before I get into the good stuff, here is a little background on why I believe my expertise to be warranted. A few months ago I relocated states and had thus managed to acquire quite a bit of unforeseen financial responsibility. Although my parents had told me for years that money did not grow on trees, I thought for sure that of all states Florida, in all of its tropical glory, would somehow have managed to produce a tree capable of such a task. Alas, my hopes were in vain, and I needed to find a part-time job as soon as the good Lord would allow. After days of searching online, I found a retail store that was looking for someone to fill a leadership role that could start within the week. Having worked in retail before, I was not thrilled about getting back in the biz, but I was thrilled about keeping my electric and water turned on so the application process thereafter soon followed.

The rest is history. I got the job. I have been working there for a couple of months, and while I have managed to subdue my financial woes and amplify my closet, I have also managed to lose all faith in the human race.

I am whole heartedly convinced that 98.276% of the population is out to make my life as a retail associate miserable. With every shift I attempt to go into work with a joyful heart and a pleasant demeanor, but after the first “Do you work here? (I have a nametag on),” I unfortunately soon after begin to wish violence upon my customers. At this point, I realize that you are writing me off as a dramatic and bitter retail associate. But let me be the first to tell you, I am a dramatic and bitter retail associate. Because I do not like complaining about matters without offering some assistance in correcting them, I hope to try and make you aware of some ways in which you might improve your current retail shopping habits. Do not worry, I have already mentioned to Jesus that this may be a tad sarcastic and very unnecessary.

1. I realize this may be confusing for some, but when you are looking at folded shirts I promise you that the XXL and the medium look the exact same. The surfer on the front of the XXL does not have more muscles than the surfer on the large, and the stripes on the medium are not a different color than the stripes on the small. Therefore, you really do not have to unfold every shirt in the stack. If you wear a medium, unfold a medium. If you wear a XXL, unfold a XXL. If you sometimes wear a small and sometimes wear a medium, only then may you unfold both shirts. Only then. If I see you unfold more than two shirts, I will find you, and I will kill you.

2. Fitting rooms are the reason retail associates need the fruits of the spirit 4,371 times a day. Here are three common misconceptions about fitting rooms:

  1. There are not magical beings that go in a fitting room and clean up after you. I am that magical being and I hate cleaning up after you. I love you because Jesus loves me, but I do not love your mess and need you to get it together. Unless you are a 3 year old throwing a tantrum about bedtime, I cannot come up with a scenario that would allow for 37 articles of my store clothing to end up on my store floor.
  2. Unless you are in a store that is blessed with extra hours and payroll, there is most likely not an associate stationed at the fitting rooms. Meaning, you may actually have to ask for a fitting room. Notice I say “ask” as in use some sort of audible communication. Standing silently near a fitting room door does not insinuate anything to me. I, unfortunately, am incapable of reading minds.
  3. Fitting rooms are not trash cans. Because I want you to eat in the next 36 hours, I will not list all of the items that I have found in fitting rooms. You may use your imagination, but just know that feminine products and quesadillas are involved.

3. Much of communication to customers in retail is done through signage. Unfortunately it can be a little high maintenance for customers because you actually have to read the signs. If a sign is listing sale items and the item that you are holding is not on the sign, it probably  absolutely is not a sale item. If a sign says 70% off and in tiny wording at the bottom of the sign it says “discount already taken,” why in my cat’s precious name would you ask me if it is 70% off of the price on the ticket? Did your mother not teach you better? Lastly while I am on the subject of sales and percentages, I need all of you to brush up on your algebra. If you ask me what 10% off of an item is, I will most likely fall on the floor and begin praying for your future children.

4. When you buy an item, you receive this thin, white piece of paper called a “receipt” that provides proof of your purchase. After the Lord, your family, and your coupon for a free drink at Starbucks, this thin, white piece of paper should be your life source. Protect it at all costs and nurture it like your golden retriever puppy because without it, you are just a forlorn retail customer with no way of returning the shirt that you cannot even get over your head. I deal with thieves all day, every day. The only thing setting you apart from these heinous beings is a receipt. I give you a receipt after your purchase not for fun or to infuriate tree-huggers. I am trying to help you. Let me help you.

Alright, I know you are exhausted so I will cease and desist. But let us review, shall we?

  • shirts in a stack literally look the exact same, no matter the size
  • fitting rooms are a privilege, not a right
  • reading and math are not overrated
  • receipts are more important than your firstborn

Well done, I knew you could do it. Happy shopping soldier, you deserve it.

75 Things That I Praise Jesus For

Happy day of giving thanks, y’all! I trust that each and every one of you have eaten twice your weight in turkey, green bean casserole, and pecan pie and are now napping on the couch with football on. So as to best honor this special day, I have compiled a very humorless list of 75 things that I praise the good Lord for on the daily basis.

  1. Coffee
  2. Football
  3. Swimming pools
  4. Kittens
  5. Christmas
  6. Movies
  7. Movies starring Chris Hemsworth 1312909706_chris-hemsworth-402
  8. Funny people
  9. Cell phones
  10. Boys that wear cowboy boots
  11. Boys that play sports
  12. Boys that love Jesus
  13. Boys
  14. Church families
  15. Means of transportation
  16. My grandma car that is my means of transportation
  17. Instruments
  18. Cheeseburgers
  19. Criminal Minds
  20. Golden Retrievers
  21. Hymns
  22. Blankets
  23. Leggings for pants leggings
  24. People that don’t get mad that I wear leggings for pants
  25. Pianos
  26. Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson
  27. Parents
  28. Cops
  29. Chubby babies baby
  30. University of Georgia football
  31. French fries
  32. People that use correct grammar on social media
  33. People that use correct grammar
  34. Belts
  35. Education
  36. Christmas trees
  37. Freedom of religion
  38. Freedom
  39. The Bible
  40. People that read, study, and teach the Bible
  41. Beds
  42. Fat cats
  43. Sports
  44. Cereal
  45. Books
  46. Naps
  47. Laying out
  48. The beach
  49. Napping, while laying out, at the beach
  50. Music
  51. People that drive the speed limit
  52. Pinterest
  53. Males with beards Chase-Rice-580x412
  54. The Constitution
  55. Exercise
  56. Wedges
  57. Sunglasses
  58. The state of Georgia
  59. Siblings that I enjoy
  60. Sunshine
  61. Rain
  62. My grandparents
  63. Sweet Tea
  64. The Office office-165
  65. Lipstick
  66. Umbrellas
  67. The radio
  68. Chipotle
  69. Hairspray
  70. Pretty trees
  71. Jesus and the cross
  72. God’s grace
  73. My salvation
  74. Eternity with the Lord
  75. My Heavenly Father

Poll: What Is Going To Matter Most In The 2016 Presidential Election?

With the midterm election over and political nerds everywhere bored out of their mind, there are already rumors surfacing and arguments being formed on who will vie for the presidency in 2016. People keep asking who I most want on the Republican ticket and honestly, I do not have a darn clue. There are many that I believe would do well, but there are few that I am certain can get our country back to where she needs to be. So my question is, what is going to set the candidates apart in the minds of the voters? What issue is most important to voters right now? The troops? Gay marriage? The country’s debt? Abortion? Our foreign relationships? Marijuana? Jobs? Check out the poll below and tell me what you think. Ideally, candidates will be able and prepared to govern our country well through all of the previously mentioned affairs, but in this current economic and political climate, what is most important to you as a voter? If you had to choose the most important factor in the 2016 presidential election, what would it be?

20 Things I Would Rather Y’all Do Than Vote Democrat


Tomorrow is the midterm election and in the spirit of good ‘ole camaraderie and political jest, here are 20 things I would rather y’all do than vote Democrat:

  1. Use “your” instead of the correct “you’re” on Facebook
  2. Wear socks with flip flops
  3. Wear cargo shorts, and actually keep things in the cargo short’s pockets such as your wallet and keys, a kitten, a milkshake, etc.
  4. Wear a University of Florida jersey in public
  5. Wear any type of jersey in public
  6. Post a picture of your infant on Facebook every 30 minutes
  7. Listen to an entire Nicki Minaj album without getting baptized again
  8. Drive 25 mph in the fast lane on the interstate
  9. Drive 25 mph anywhere
  10. Sing like Cole Swindell and Luke Bryan (e.g. terribly)
  11. Wear an Ebola protection suit everywhere you go
  12. Believe that you’re going to get Ebola
  13. Listen to an entire Nickelback album
  14. Come to a complete stop at stop signs when there isn’t another car within a 2.3 mile radius
  15. Come to a complete stop at stop signs
  16. Make fun of cats  dogs
  17. Order a $5.00 drink at Starbucks with no coffee in it
  18. Believe that Joel Osteen knows the Bible
  19. Believe that Joel Osteen knows anything
  20. Post a selfie every day on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter with the hashtags #hatersgonnahate, #selfielove, and #blessed

Give Me An Educated Voter Or Give Me Death


November 4th is quickly approaching. If you do not know what is significant about November 4th you are grounded. Take yourself to time out, deprive yourself of Netflix and Chipotle,  listen to an entire Nickelback album, and when you have learned your lesson read this blog and take everything I say to heart.

On November 4th, the citizens of this great country head to the polls and cast their vote for the country’s next political leaders. Both local and national positions will be filled: school board, U.S. Senate, Attorney General, U.S. Representative, Governor, and even Lee County Mosquito Control Agent.

But here is the deal, y’all. It might be helpful for you to read up on the candidates before you vote for them. I know I sound crazy. I know you have a lot going on this week between Dancing with the Stars and the Walking Dead. I realize that Georgia vs. Florida is this weekend and that there is still a lot of trash talking left to do on Facebook. Heck, I even get that at some point you will probably have to put together a really lame Halloween costume for a really lame Halloween costume party. But even with all of that going on, I feel pretty confident that you could find time to invest in our nation’s future.

If you are wise with the conservative sources that you research, you may even be able to become an educated voter in a couple of hours. Think of how empowered you will feel! If someone asks you who your state’s governor is and/or their stance on social policies, you will no longer have to accidentally spill your coffee all over them and their political ego so as to make them forget that they even asked you the question! Seriously, I am just here to help. I like to think of it as good ‘ole community service. So in the spirit of servicing the community, here are some quick do’s and don’ts on how to vote Republican and who to vote for.

1. Do not vote for someone based on their skin color.

2. Do not vote for someone based on their charm, beauty, or pure hotness. That is unless Ryan Reynolds or Jennifer Anniston run for something one day. In that case you may vote for them and feel really great about your civic handiwork.

3. Do not vote just to vote. You very well may end up voting for someone that does not shower or believes in polygamy. I am telling y’all, people are crazy and their names on the ballots are not exactly revealing of their innermost passions. For example, check out this video: (This is mostly applicable in primary races. By the general election, most of the hotmess candidates have been eliminated).

4. Do not vote for a third party candidate unless you are dang sure they are going to win. Third party candidates can sometimes be the better candidate, but unfortunately in today’s political climate they rarely have the budget or support to overthrow the two main parties in America. Meaning, when you vote for the third party candidate, you are essentially voting against a candidate that may not be perfect, but may have the means necessary to put an even worse candidate out of office. So essentially what happens is the vote is split between the third party candidate that is perfect and the main party candidate that is pretty good, allowing the really, really bad main party candidate to win.

5. Do not vote for a candidate because your friend tells you to. Do your own research you lazy son of a gun. Jump on the world wide web, google your county, district, or state and start reading. Do not like to read? Do not care.

6. Do not vote for/against a candidate based on the commercials that you see on television. As someone that has worked for a congressional candidate (who also happened to be a Baptist pastor) that was falsely smeared on television, trust me when I say that most of what you see in those commercials is either misconstrued, misleading, or completely made up.

7. Do vote.

8. Do research.

9. Do make time to be an involved citizen. Volunteering for campaigns, political parties, or political interest groups is a great way to stay informed on the current political climate and an even better way to meet fellow political junkies. It is also a great resume builder.

10. Do pray for your leaders, no matter their political stance or party. The Bible is very clear on Christians respecting and adhering to the local government. Praying for your leaders also reminds you that they, like yourself, are not perfect and never will be. It also tends to make you trust in Jesus more which is always, on any occasion, a great thing.

In sum, trust your gut, follow your heart, and vote Republican.

Wait, that came out wrong, you know what I mean. Just go vote, and for the love of all things good and holy do some research and try to read a political article every 6 months so that you can remember who the Vice President is.

Those Darn Republican Christians

flag and christian

I sent out requests through social media to friends and followers asking on what to write my next blog post on, and an anonymous soul on Twitter suggested that I write on why Republican Christians represent Jesus so poorly. Now after I swallowed my pride, or half of it, I responded and told them that I would indeed write on this subject. So in the next few moments let it be known that I undoubtedly did attempt to use as little sarcasm as possible and that I absolutely do in fact appreciate people, although anonymous in nature, that ask me to write on things that tend to aggravate  push me to be a better thinker.

Before I cover the representation of Republican Christians, I need to first explain the current political atmosphere for most believers. There seems to be a new wave of criticism pertaining to Christians that actively claim to be Republicans, or even actively involved in the political world. When I mention to fellow Christians interested in my future that I hope to go to law school and/or delve into politics after college graduation, there are typically one of three responses: confusion, concern, or a lofty joke dubbing all political figures as spawns of Satan. I try, I really do, to take these “jabs” with patience and understanding. I even attempt to offer explanation on why I feel this call. But it never fails, the majority of people just do not get it. So my question is, why has it become acceptable for us, evangelical Christians, to immediately find error in the political system and in the people that are trying effortlessly with no avail to better it? While the Bible does not explicitly speak of political activism, it does speak of respect for government and authority. Therefore, why should Christians not work to infiltrate the political system with the hope and promise i.e. the Lord, that we know to be the only answer for our nation’s turmoil and dissension?

The anonymous tweeter that assigned me to this subject turned my attention to a blogger that stated that he was just tired of all of the politicizing done by Christians. He discussed that the church is not a political party, and even further that the people nor the president will ever be able to change the current problems in our nation.

This is where I get a little feisty, and will try my very hardest in respect to my precious, godly southern belle of a mother to behave.

As a seemingly intelligent 22 year old, I fully comprehend that my actions, or anyone else’s aside from the Lord’s, cannot change the status of our nation.  I am even under the complete impression that my angst and passion for the government to be Christ-like and honest is without a doubt, in vain. But here’s the thing y’all. How can believers justify being politically inactive? Would we not rather have a senator in office that values a child’s life? Would we not rather vote in a representative that believes in freedom of religion? I understand that not every politician can be an evangelical Christian believer, nor do I think that necessary. I believe that there should be a separation from church and state. Therefore, while I do not think Christian leaders are necessary, I think that they are helpful. So as Christians, does it not seem “helpful” to vote for people that could institute and defend laws that protect biblical rights? How am I representing Jesus poorly by being adamant in my defense of pro-life legislation? Is it not furthering the gospel? Maybe tying Republicanism to Christianity makes your skin crawl, but I find it difficult at times to separate the two in my pursuit of honesty, justice, and morality.

Sure, there are ways in which supporting politics can jeopardize one’s witness. I am all for taming one’s tongue in order to speak Christ first and Republicanism second. But like I said, me fighting against abortion and for my constitutional rights of free speech should not be considered a misrepresentation of Christ just because it is passionate or defensive in nature. I am a staunch conservative. I believe that within the bounds of scripture, the constitution, and common sense, I should be able to do whatever I darn well please. I believe that our government should be small but in charge. I believe in protecting unborn children, and I certainly believe in fighting for our freedom. Until I stand up on the Facebook “rooftops” and blatantly condemn Christianity and/or the Creator and all that He has done, I refuse to believe that my conservative political activism/politicizing represents Christ poorly.


The Supreme Court Ruled Today, Literally

Today the Supreme Court kicked some unconstitutional tail. The justices unanimously ruled that “buffer zones” outside of abortion clinics are unconstitutional because they infringe on one’s 1st amendment rights. “Buffer zones” were areas typically directly in front of an abortion clinic that were off limits to protesters, e.g. defenders of life, so as to give the women entering “peace of mind” and “safety.” This ruling is huge, and here are two reasons why: 1. The fact that all nine justices unanimously voted together on this means that there is hope for all of the pessimistic conservatives (myself) out there. Meaning, this decision is a glorious manifestation of proof that both conservatives and liberals can come together and, on the matter of the constitution, rule fair and just for the betterment of our great country. 2. As insignificant as “buffer zones” may have appeared, they were a game changer. A game changer for the other team, that is. When 35 ft. of space in front of an abortion clinic is closed off, “choose life” volunteers are forced to share their love for life with the women in a much shorter time period. Therefore, the women have less time to decide if they will listen to the volunteer, and even less time to hear the gospel. Insignificant to many maybe, but 35 ft. allows more time for women to hear about the love of Christ and the love of the body of Christ. In my book, that is one heck of a win. It’s a good day, folks.